STEM Inclusive Excellence Collective

Learning Assistant (LA) Program
LAs are undergraduate students who serve as peer instructors in the classroom to support student learning, primarily via facilitating group work and classroom community. LAs attend class meetings, meet weekly with the course instructor, and learn about the science of teaching. It's a great way for Bears to support Bears, gain experience, and get paid! If you have at least a 2.0 GPA and have passed the course with an A, B or C, you are eligible to apply. Additional Information: Full position description.
LAs are needed for Bio, Chem, CS, CSD, STAT
Read our latest articles: Tips for Creating a More Inclusive Syllabus in the Teaching Professor and in the Handbook of STEM Faculty Development, Chapter 9, STEM Faculty Development for Creating Learning Environments that Promote Inclusive Excellence.
Contact Us
Want to learn more about STEM IEC? Contact us via email at
Interested in learning more about a DEI Topic? Check out the books you can borrow in our library. Visit us in Ross 2287 or email a book request
Inclusive Excellence Teacher Scholar Workshops
Learn more about the IETSW program and explore and download materials developed across a breadth of DEI topics
Learning Communities
We sponsor book clubs and other learning opportunities to bring together folks interested in engaging in DEI topics with others on campus
Becoming an inclusive and equitable community is the work of everyone at UNC. Here are some of the ways our community is engaged.
Teaching for Inclusion and & Equity
The STEM-IEC is delighted to be collaborating with CETL on the Teaching for Inclusion and Equity (TIE) program. Since Spring 2021, TIE program facilitators have guided faculty cohorts from across the UNC campus as they explore how to create and sustain inclusive classroom environments. The TIE program is a natural extension of our IETSW program and benefits from the curriculum developed and implemented by folks associated with the STEM-IEC and the Inclusive Excellence grant from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. Cassie Bergstrom, a Co-PI on the HHMI grant and IETSW developer and facilitator, provides support for the TIE facilitators.
Inclusive Teaching MOOC
A Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) launched on August 15, 2023. The MOOC is a collaboration between the SEAS Program and HHMI Biointeractive. Check out the trailer
Our Mission
Make excellence inclusive in STEM by engaging with administrators, faculty and students in policy making, advocacy, and purposeful practices in teaching and learning.
Our Vision
We envision a campus where STEM inclusive excellence is expected and actively practiced through conversations and actions.
UNC's STEM Inclusive Excellence Collective (STEM-IEC) engages with campus administrators, faculty, and students to create a climate of inclusive excellence in STEM on campus.
Why a collective? Because addressing inequities is hard, and not something we can tackle alone. A collective is a group of individuals who act together to influence an outcome. The STEM-IEC is focused on taking collective action and supporting each other as we explore ways to change and improve our campus.
What is Inclusive Excellence? active process through which colleges and universities achieve excellence in learning, teaching, student development, institutional functioning and engagement in local and global communities.